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US Aluminum Association Calls for China to Play Fairly

Mining Weekly reported that the US Aluminum Association (AA) has accused Chinese companies of misclassifying products in order to avoid duties on primary aluminum. The organization is calling for the companies to play fairly.

As quoted in the market news:

AA president and CEO Heidi Brock told the International Aluminium Conference in Cape Town that Chinese companies were relabelling products to circumvent antidumping duties and were taking advantage of value-added tax rebates on semi-fabricated products.

She outlined how Chinese imports of aluminium to the US had increased by 183% since 2012 and were taking their toll on the local US aluminium industry.

Brock said that, prior to 2011, most of the aluminium from China was in extrusions. Chinese exports to the US dropped substantially following antidumping cases against China.

However, she said Chinese products had now shifted to other aluminium products. Through “transshipments” the aluminium was melted down and made into another product.

“This behaviour is not in China’s interest and not in the global aluminium industry’s best interest either. We support free trade, but also fair trade. We are calling for a level playing field.”

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