With regard for the action for constitutional protection (“acción de amparo”) filed against Yanacocha in relation to the non-viability of the Conga project, the company informs the public as follows:
- This action for constitutional protection was filed in 2012 and was declared inadmissible by two court rulings. However, in March of this year, the Constitutional Court declared that both inadmissibility rulings were null on the grounds of form, and ordered that the complaint be admitted for processing. This is a purely formal aspect, that does not affect in any way the validity of the environmental instruments approved for the Conga project.
- This compliant has been answered by Yanacocha; therefore, this will start the process in which the company, respectful of the law, will present all the relevant information as required. In this project, technical and legal feasibility has been demonstrated by obtaining all permits required by Peruvian law, and additionally, after having undergone an international and independent technical review.
- Although some people and organizations intend to portray this decision of the Court of Cajamarca as a statement of non-viability of Conga, the truth is that this process is just beginning. Throughout the process, Yanacocha will act in accordance with its absolute respect for the laws and regulations of the country.
Cajamarca, November 18, 2015
Communications Office