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WVCA calls on Manchin to reject Garland

The West Virginia Coal Association (WVCA) has called on West Virginia Democratic Senator Joe Manchin to join with Republican Senators and refuse to consider President Barack Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, Marrick Garland.

In a recent op-ed for the Charleston Gazette-Mail, Manchin called on the Senate to proceed with Garland’s confirmation hearings. The Senate’s Republican leadership had said it would refuse to consider any Supreme Court nomination until after the new president takes office next January.

“We have a responsibility to the American people to fulfill our duties,” Senator Manchin wrote. “Many have argued that Garland will be bad for coal […] Let’s do our jobs and find out. Let’s hold hearings, ask tough questions and see if Merrick Garland can answer them, then let’s cast the right vote.

In response, Hamilton noted Garland’s previous rulings in support of environmental regulation and argued that President Obama would not nominate a candidate likely to overturn the Clean Power Plan – “the self-proclaimed centerpiece of his accomplishments as president”.

“Garland has a record of generally supporting contested EPA regulations since he became a judge on the DC Circuit Court of Appeals,” the WVCA’ Senor Vice President, Chris Hamilton, said in a letter to Senator Manchin.

“Clearly, Obama’s intentions are to appoint a new Supreme Court justice who will tip the balance in favour of his war on coal,” Hamilton continued. “With that backdrop in mind, coupled with all the devastation and pain already inflicted on West Virginia coal miners, their families and communities throughout our great state by this ill-conceived [Clean Power Plan], it simply begs the question: Why do you need public input to guide you in this important vote?”

Garland’s nomination comes after the death of Antonin Scalia last month, who had been a conservative bulwark of the court and part of the majority ruling that kicked out the Environmental Protection Agency’s Mercury Air Toxics Standards regulation last year.

“On behalf of West Virginia coal, our state’s coal miners, their families and our communities, we urge you to vote no on Garland,” concluded Hamilton. “Or better yet, stand with those in the US Senate who refuse to consider any Supreme Court nomination at this time.”

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