Kirk Gold Prospect
The gold was discovered here in early 20th century. From 1919 -1921 the property was developed by incline shaft to 126 feet and 700 feet of horizontal drift and reported as a season production mine. Obviously the company left the project hastily. No detail exploration works were reported. Horizontal level was temporarily opened in April 1986 to allow the acc …
Rockstone Graphite
Rockstone Graphite Property hosts extensive graphite mineralization with over fifty drill-ready targets. Please visit https://www.xtalgraphite.com for details.
Junior Mining Companies
Central Uchi Belt Lode Gold- Property For Option in Northwesterb Ontario Near Picklec Lake 185 Mining Claim Units (10.6 Sq. Miles) For Option With 2-Mile- Drill – Ready Gold Target In The Prolific Uchi Belt, NW Onatrio This large claim group has a two-mile long drill ready target on an 8.6 km – long dilatational Riedel shear zone that has never been drilled- …