Coventry Resources Inc.


Coventry Resources Inc.

April 15, 2016 08:30 ET

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA–(Marketwired – April 15, 2016) – Coventry Resources Inc. (“the Company”) (ASX:CYY) held its Annual General and Special Meeting (“the Meeting”) on April 15, 2016 at 10am Perth, Western Australia time. The resolutions voted on were in accordance with the Notice of Annual General & Special Meeting dated 4 March 4, 2016.

The Company advises that all resolutions were passed at the Meeting on a show of hands. Details of the proxy votes received in respect of each resolution are set out in the attached Appendix.


For Against Non Votes Invalid(1)
Resolution 1:
To fix number of Directors for the ensuing year at five (5)
77,170,998 3,485,478 1,256 Nil
For Withhold Non Votes Invalid
Resolution 2:
Election of Director – Michael Haynes
76,439,532 4,218,200 Nil Nil
Resolution 3:
Election of Director – Ian Cunningham
77,170,998 3,485,478 1,256 Nil
Resolution 4:
Election of Director – Mark Bojanjac
80,657,666 66 Nil Nil
Resolution 5:
Election of Director – Michael Fowler
80,656,410 66 1,256 Nil
Resolution 6:
Election of Director – Robert Boaz
80,657,666 66 Nil Nil
Resolution 7:
Appointment of Auditors
80,656,410 66 1,256 Nil
For Against Non Votes Invalid
Resolution 8:
Australian Continuance
80,656,476 Nil 1,256 Nil
Resolution 9:
Ratification Of Prior Issues Under Listing Rule 7.1
73,253,464 6,670,224 1,256 732,788
Resolution 10:
Ratification Of Prior Issues Under Listing Rule 7.1A
70,761,960 6,670,224 1,256 3,224,292
Resolution 11:
Approval Under Listing Rule 7.1A
73,986,252 6,670,224 1,256 Nil
Resolution 12:
Proposed Capital Raising Under Listing Rule 7.1
73,986,252 6,670,224 1,256 Nil
1. “Invalid” includes votes attributable to shareholders to whom the applicable voting exclusions apply; and
2. Resolutions 8 and 11 were passed as special resolutions.