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Dollar Shortage: ‘Never Enough Money’ Out There – Jim Rickards

(Kitco News) – Instead of focusing on China and the struggling equity markets, one best-selling author turned his attention to a bigger issue, which he refers to as “the dollar shortage.”

“[S]ince 2009 there has been far more dollar-denominated debt created than dollars. There are not enough dollars to go around. The losses will be enormous,” warned Jim Rickards, author of Currency Wars and The Death of Money, in his latest blog post for West Shore Funds Monday. 

“We are closer to the stage (last seen in September 2008) where ‘everybody wants her money back.’ When that happens, there’s never enough money,” he said.

According to Rickards, every dollar that has been printed by the Federal Reserve has created a new 20-fold amount of debt.

“McKinsey Global Institute estimates that global debt increased by $57 trillion from 2007 to 2014. Not all of this debt is denominated in dollars; some is in yen, euros or yuan. Still, the dollar debt overhang is enormous,” he said.

Rickards explained that debt is only manageable if it can be rolled over into new debt, or paid off with profits; however, under current market conditions — “growth depression” and with a “technical recession looming” – servicing debt is problematic.

“The United States has not ‘paid off’ its national debt since 1835, but it has successfully rolled it over into new debt to redeem the old,” he said.

Not only is the U.S. burdened by its national debt, but the country’s economy is also vulnerable on the foreign reserves front, Rickards continued. 

“The IMF reported that total hard currency reserves of all IMF members as of September 30, 2015 were $11.2 trillion. About 60% of those reserves (about $6.9 trillion) are in U.S. dollars,” he pointed out, adding that most of those reserves are heavily concentrated in China, Japan and Taiwan. 

Dollar-denominated debt, on the other hand, is more widely distributed among major borrowers like Brazil, Turkey, Indonesia, Russia, and others, Rickards added. 

“This is a massive asset/liability mismatch not by maturity, but by locality. The IMF can finesse this mismatch to some extent with regard to sovereign debt, but it is not in the business of bailing out corporate debt,” he said. 

This “mismatch” between the stock of dollar-denominated debt and the dollar-denominated investment flows needed to service them, Rickards said, is making the global economy vulnerable to a financial crisis. And, the Fed seems to be oblivious to the additional damage it is causing with the stronger dollar and rate increases, he added.  
According to Rickards, the only possible solutions are robust growth, expanded credit, restructuring and inflation, or a combination of these.

However, it seems that the last two are more plausible, he said. 

“Growth is stymied around the world by the lack of structural reform (tax cuts, regulatory cuts, improved outcomes for women, labor mobility, etc.). Expanded credit is stymied by the Fed’s policy of tight money launched in May 2013,” he explained. 

Under current market conditions, inflation and debt restructuring seem to be the more probable solutions. However, the latter will be resisted by “elite interests” like banks and insurance companies, he said. 

“These elites prefer to move the costs of bad debt to everyday citizens rather than bear them directly. The way to do this is inflation,” he noted.

“Inflation steals from savers and investors and gives to debtors (including corporations and governments). Banks and elites don’t suffer because they see it coming and prepare accordingly (often with gold purchases – the current course of China, and Russia). It’s everyday people who suffer from inflation. They are not in on the elite game,” he added. 

Inflation is coming, Rickards said, although it hasn’t materialized in the global economy just yet despite central bank attempts to stimulate it.

“…it’t won’t come from ‘money printing’ by central banks. It will come from massive new spending programs,” he said. 

By Sarah Benali of Kitco News;
Follow me on Twitter @SdBenali