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Knick Exploration to Start Gold Drilling at East-West Propery

Knick Exploration (TSXV:KNX) announced the latest research indicated gold width potential at East-West Property in Quebec.

As quoted in the press release:

Not many Mining exploration companies have the opportunity to drill test for a potential deposit
adjacent to a property that contains combined resources of 1.531 million ounces of gold as of
August 2013 (reference¹ NI 43-101, section 14.16, p.151 Marban, Block Resources). This
opportunity is implied by Knick’s latest studies. So far we have established a series of drill targets
aiming at developing a resource on the East-West property along strike of the Marban deposit
situated adjacent to the west of our property. Tracing the Marbenite fault within Knick’s East-West
property this summer has been a milestone for us.

Knick has identified 10 particular historical drill holes inside the property which show a possibility of defining gold mineralization over significant widths, in the range of 15 to 80 metres, with grades varying from 0.5 grams of gold per tonne up to 8 grams of gold per tonne (reference² NI 43-101).

The property was initially drilled for high grade quartz veins and these holes were not sampled in most of the cases along long intervals. As an example, the particular 10 historical drill hole intervals identified have been sampled at the level of 15 to 67%.

The approach now chosen by Knick focuses on the identification of wide mineralized intervals based on a deformation and alteration context. The recent core observations demonstrated that altered basalts units affected by alteration, minor quartz veining, and occasionally pyritization, is the preferred environment for wide gold enrichment zones.

Knick Exploration President and CEO, Jacques Brunelle, stated:

As mentioned previously, Knick is now focusing on the identification of wide gold mineralisation intervals based on a deformation and alteration context which now offers us a wider range of targets. We hope to drill the central and southern portion of this corridor we call the Marbranch. The Marbranch has a total corridor width of 600 meters North-South combined with an East-West strike length of 700 meter on our property which makes it a substantially sized geologically favourable environment to achieve our goals of developing a gold resource on the East-West property.

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