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New Chemical Markets Research Reports by Merchant Research & Consulting Recently Added at

LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Merchant Research & Consulting, Ltd. informs that new research reports, covering various chemical markets have been recently added at its website.

New Chemical Markets Research Reports Include:

Caustic Soda 2016 World Market Outlook and Forecast up to 2020. Caustic soda production capacity in Middle East comprises just over 4% (about 4 mln tons per year), but this region has a large potential for further growth. Close vicinity to large petrochemical complexes, proximity to ports and strategic position with respect to trade routes make the Middle Eastern caustic soda industry a reliable and highly competitive supplier. On a national basis, the main players include the following countries (incl. caustic soda production capacity in metric tons per year): Saudi Arabia (1,141,000 mt/y), Iran (c. 1 mln mt/y), Qutar (730,000 mt/y) and Egypt (400,600 mt/y). On a corporate level, major production facilities are operated by Saudi Petrochemical Co (Sadaf) with 710,000 mt/y caustic soda facilities in Jubail (Saudi Arabia), Arvand Petrochemical Co and Bandar Imam Petrochemical Co Ltd – (BIPC) with 660,000 mt/y and 250,000 mt/y caustic soda facilities, respectively, both in Bandar Imam (Iran). Currently, there are a number of projects that are under way in the region. For instance, Al Ghaith Industries is implementing a large 280 mt/day caustic soda project in Industrial City of Abu Dhabi to be commissioned in the 2nd quarter of 2016. Construction of new caustic soda plants permits local manufacturers to skip the phase of converting old mercury technologies and leapfrog to the best available membrane technologies provided by top manufacturers. The research report gives a detailed analysis of the caustic soda market performance as well as uncovers statistics on caustic soda production, consumption and foreign trade at various geographical scales.

Expandable Polystyrene (EPS) 2016 World Market Outlook and Forecast up to 2020. The future of the expandable polystyrene sector is based on the production of innovative products with advanced properties and specialized functions. They should be easily customized and cater for different niche markets. For instance, Italian company Versalis develops ultra-lightweight expandable polystyrene under the brand name Extir CM Galileo. This is an innovative product employed mainly in thermal insulation systems, featuring excellent thermoinsulation properties and processability. Another lucrative direction of the expandable polystyrene sector is to develop a wide range of products with a possibility of addressing versatile needs. Therefore, Ineos produces a wide range of expandable polystyrene grades to cover all the applications from construction to packaging and serve the growing demand in various markets. Building and construction applications are the largest outlet for expandable polystyrene accounting for around two-thirds of demand. Large quantities are used to make insulation foam for closed cavity walls, roofs and floor insulation. The novel report delves deep into the EPS market scenario, explores the prevailing trends and outlines top market opportunities, challenges, drivers and restraints.

Gypsum: 2016 World Market Review and Forecast. It is expected that the global gypsum industry will grow by 5% until 2019. The growth will be mainly driven by rising construction and renovation volumes. Apart from other applications, natural gypsum is especially suitable for the manufacture of cement, building plasters, dry mixes, wallboards and other gypsum products. In some of these uses it has no practical substitutes, for instance in the manufacturing of Portland cement. However, the construction volume growth demonstrates spatial and temporal dynamics, meaning that it is uneven subject to a specific region or market conditions. Gypsum manufacturers therefore have to re-adjust their production rates subject to demand fluctuations at concrete moment in time and location. For example, Canada’s National Gypsum Ltd, when planning the expansion of its mining operations in Nova Scotia, has to carefully consider future demand scenarios, especially on the US market. The report is a reliable source of unique information on the performance of the world gypsum market. It offers a deep analysis of production and consumption trends, examines the factors shaping the market development.

Mercury: 2016 World Market Review and Forecast. Global mercury use will continue to decline with the exception of mercury used in the compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) industry. If gold prices rise, they are likely to stimulate increased demand for mercury in the small-scale gold mining industry, especially in the developing countries where workers’ safety and environmental regulations are often neglected. A United Nations (UN) study recorded mercury air concentration levels in gold shops in Segovia, Colombia, to be more than 1,000 times the public exposure limits set by the World Health Organization. In an effort to stem the use of mercury for gold refining in Colombia and elsewhere, the EU banned exports in 2011 and the United States banned exports after 2012. An important trend of the mercury market development is further decline of the role of large primary mercury producers and continuous rise in the importance of secondary suppliers and recyclers, who are able to generate sufficient amounts of recycled mercury from mercury cell chlorine-caustic soda plants, commercial products, and byproduct mercury recovered from precious metals operations. Such role shifting is inevitable against the background of dwindling perspectives of primary mercury production. The research study contains a comprehensive analysis of the mercury market at different geographical levels, examines top trends, delves deep into the competitive landscape.

Sodium Cyanide: 2016 World Market Outlook and Forecast up to 2020. The behaviour of the sodium cyanide (NaCN) market is associated with gold price dynamics, though, of course, this dependence is not full, more complex and non-linear. This association is determined by the fact that sodium cyanide is mainly used in gold and silver extraction, especially in North and South America, China and Australia, whereas in Europe and Japan, chemical manufacturing is a predominant application field in NaCN use. As gold price dynamics has been showing a downward trend since roughly 2011 (which was preceded by a massive price rise in gold prices from the early 2000s), the sodium cyanide market is likewise oriented, though gold prices within a 12-month period prior to March 2016 demonstrated a cyclical character. Therefore, downward 5-year gold price dynamics, constant increases in mining operations costs and growing concerns over health hazards of sodium cyanide application (exemplified in the International Cyanide Management Code for the Manufacture, Transport, and Use of Cyanide in the Production of Gold) form rather pessimistic scenario for the sodium cyanide market. Multiple uses of sodium cyanide might partially help in alleviating this scenario. The research study includes an in-depth analysis of the world sodium cyanide market, explores the situation in the key geographical markets and explores the competitive environment.

Many other trustworthy insightful research studies exploring various chemical markets are available at Merchant Research & Consulting website.