SUGAR LAND, TX–(Marketwired – Jul 25, 2016) – Researched by Industrial Info Resources (Sugar Land, Texas) — Wood Group plc (Aberdeen, Scotland), one of the world’s most far-reaching oil and gas service companies, has a slew of offshore liquefied natural gas (LNG) projects at the top of its to-do list, with some big plans for ethylene and synthetic-fuel projects not too far behind. Industrial Info’s project database is tracking 140 projects, worth $58.45 billion, that involve Wood Group in some capacity, with more than half of that total attributed to the 10 highest-valued projects. More than 95% of the total can be found in four industries: Oil & Gas Production, Oil & Gas Pipelines, Alternative Fuels and Chemical Processing.
Within this article: Details on the 10 highest-valued projects to involve Wood Group in some capacity, including those from major companies such as ExxonMobil Corporation (NYSE:XMO), BHP Billiton Petroleum’s (NYSE:BHP), INPEX Corporation, Royal Dutch Shell plc (NYSE:RDS.A) and Hess Corporation (NYSE:HES), among others.
For details, view the entire article by subscribing to Industrial Info’s Premium Industry News, or browse other breaking industrial news stories at www.industrialinfo.com.
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