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Yukon Gold Mines

Placer Claims

Mine Details

Location: Canada, Yukon
Commodities: Gold
Available Terms: For Lease, For Sale, Joint Venture
Price: Lease, Sale or Joint Venture


Scroggie & Walhalla:
Consists of 112 placer claims and 13 miles of bench claims being converted into 132 additional claims this year, bringing the project to a total of over 4,000 acres with class 1 exploration permits in place.

Maisy May:
Consists of 47 placer claims (1076 acres) within the Dawson Mining district, 45 of these claims are virgin. All claims are in good standing with the Yukon Government with a new 10 year mining and water permit.

Anderson Creek.
Consists of 41 placer claims (938 acres) within the Mayo mining district. All claims are in good standing with the Yukon Government. All permits and licences are valid until May 2025, A new 10 year renewal is being applied for.

Location and Access

Scroggie & Walhalla creeks:
Tributaries of the Stewart River in the Yukon Territory. The property is located approximately 113 miles south of Dawson City. Current access is by winter road or barge in the summer months. Newmont/GoldCorp has permits for the construction of a Northern Access Road to their Coffee Creek Gold Project which will create permanent access for all-season hauling of heavy equipment and services, with access from Dawson City directly.

Maisy May:
Tributary of the Stewart River in the Yukon Territory. It enters the Stewart River approximately 50kms upstream of the Stewart’s confluence with the Yukon River. The property is located 135 kilometers south of Dawson City with good road access. Newmont Mining Corp will be building and upgrading the road right through the property. The mining season in the Klondike region runs from mid-May until mid-October.

Anderson Creek:
A watershed on Mayo Lake, in the Yukon Territory. Mayo Lake is located in central Yukon, approximately 45 kilometers from the Village of Mayo. It is 22kms from the lake access road to the property. Access and transportation is via boat or equipment barge. The mining season in the Mayo Lake region runs from late-May until mid-October.


In 1983, a geotechnical report was prepared; detailing a testing program performed on a valley bench within what is now the mineral tenure of the project. According to the report, values interpolated from the samples taken range from 0.025oz to 0.032oz per ton. This translates to an approximate current value of $58-$73USD per cubic yard. Scroggie/Walhalla presents very few barriers to mining, with low angle valley floors, shallow depths to bedrock and white channel bench gold. Active mining has been on going on Scroggie creek, up stream of the property since the early 80s. Platinum was found on the upper reaches of the creek.

Maisy May:
A 2008 exploration work and report was done on the property, estimating a reserve of around 80,000 oz of gold from claim 14 to 42, no testing was done on claims 1 to 13. Values range from 0.02 to 0.04 oz per cu. yard or $46 to $92 USD per cu. yard Depths to bedrock are between 20ft to 25ft on claims 14 to 47 and possibly as deep as 45ft on the lower claims. The valley is wide and easy to mine, gold is smaller with some nuggets up to 5g in size. Queenstake resources mined the property in the early 80s and took out 2000 to 4000 oz per season.

Gold values range from 0.02 to 0.5oz per ton, or $46 to $115 USD per cubic yard. Over the years, values in excess of 0.05oz per ton or $115USD per cubic yard have been found, with one day’s production resulting in a calculated value of 0.157oz per ton or $361USD per cubic yard. One nugget weighing 5.4oz was recovered, with numerous others over 1oz in size. It is estimated that there may be 50,000 oz on the property. The narrow valley and deeper gravels require operations to move upstream from the alluvial fan, in a systematic fashion.


The entire Klondike Plateau, including Scroggie/Walhalla Creek, was the site of the Klondike Gold Rush from 1986-1899. Beginning in the early 1900’s, Scroggie/Walhalla creek saw exploration and hand mining. Mine shafts and evidence of underground mining are well-documented along the creeks and their tributaries. The upstream valley of Scroggie, as well as the adjacent creeks, still has active mining operations currently producing.

Maisy May:
The entire Klondike Plateau, including Maisy May Creek, was the site of the Klondike Gold Rush from 1986-1899. The Rush was responsible for the discovery and establishment of workings on the richest placer reserves in the world. By the early 1900’s, a wagon road and telegraph line ran along Maisy May creek. Mine shafts and evidence of underground mining have been found along the creek. The Yukon Consolidated Gold Corporation included Maisy May in their extensive drilling programs, but never reached the creek for dredging before the company began to close down operations in the Territory.

Anderson Creek:
Exploration of Mayo Lake began in the early 1900’s as a result of the Klondike Gold Rush that occurred some 150kms to the west of Mayo. Mine shafts and evidence of underground mining have been found along Anderson Creek.

Additional Information

I'm looking to lease my properties so I can retire after 41 years of mining: Terms 10% on the 1st 1000 oz, 15% on the 2nd 1000 oz and 20% on anything above 2000 oz. I'm also open to offers to purchase any of the mines and or a joint venture on Scroggie/Walhalla.
I have lots of equipment in the Yukon that could be leased or purchased for any of the mines.



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