Extensively explored claims offered with financing
Extensively explored gold project with a large historical resource in Idaho. Offered for sale with owner financing.
3 adits, quartz veins, good access
The Goldfinch mining claim consists of one (1) unpatented lode claim covering 20.66 acres on federal land managed by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management located in Humboldt County, Nevada. The claim has three (3) mapped adits and several prospect pits and ore piles. The claim covers the historical Upper Wheelbarrow / Excaliber mines that produced high grade g …
Underground high-grade silver mine in Mexico
Cinzano has obtained the exclusive mining rights to the Pino Alto mine for 30 years and are restarting the dormant mine, which was hand-mined in the past. The mine has an average grade of 900g of silver per tonne. We will be mechanizing & scaling the operation to 25 tonnes per day, with the goal of increasing it to 40-50 tonnes per day in the future. The …
Junior Mining Companies
Central Uchi Belt Lode Gold- Property For Option in Northwesterb Ontario Near Picklec Lake 185 Mining Claim Units (10.6 Sq. Miles) For Option With 2-Mile- Drill – Ready Gold Target In The Prolific Uchi Belt, NW Onatrio This large claim group has a two-mile long drill ready target on an 8.6 km – long dilatational Riedel shear zone that has never been drilled- …
North Texas Land Sand Mine Operation
This 493± acres property is truly a gem, offering a variety of uses, including sand mining, farming, ranching, and hunting. Currently, the land is being utilized for mining, with a mining lease in place that generates substantial lease income for the landowner or bring your own sand plant operation. The property is located less than 60 miles northeast of Dal …
34 Placer Claims - Yukon
34 Placer Claims for sale, with Class 4 Licence in place, valid until 2033.
Patented Gold Mine For Sale - USA
Previously Producing Patented Gold Mine for Sale in the USA. $1.6 Billion Estimated & Inferred Resources including 80,000 tons in Mill Tailings. Developed Project with 4 adit tunnels. 1,274,320 Gold ounces estimated. Estimated Monthly NOI of $6.3 Million based on 400 ton/day operation. Private Land. Gold & Silver. Extensive documentation available.
Complete First-class Turnkey Operation, producing claims and virgin ground
Ready-to-go immediately. Ability to produce 1,000 ounces Au in first year on existing Dominion Creek claims. $2M worth of sturdy, well-maintained, equipment and sundries. Clean, comfortable man-camp with commercial kitchen and sleeping quarters for 12.
Proven Placer Claims Priced to Sell
Located in Yukon, Canada. Proven Placer claim priced to sell. 2.21 Miles square is the size of the property.
Historic Underground Lode Mine for Sale
The Twin Sisters Mine in the famous Alleghany MD produces highly-prized gold/quartz slabs
Gold, Turnkey, Equipment, Permits, Camp, Active
The area is rich in gold mining history, beginning in 1910. Anvil Creek Claims – 860 Acres; Ophir Creek Claims – 720 Acres for a Total of 1580 Acres Anvil Creek is around 2 1/2 miles long. 5,000 lineal feet of virgin creek channel ground left to be placer mined, along with 2 other known paystreaks. Ophir Creek has over 2 miles of tailings from the early-mid …
Crescent Valley NV 4,400 acres of fee simple land/claims
CCR is a land and claims package that is the southeast extension of Fire Creek (the crown jewel of Hecla’s $462 million acquisition of Klondex in 2018). This is the anchor point for understanding the value of what CCR has. The moment Hecla acquired Fire Creek they immediately put drill rigs at our property line.
Historic Siskiyou Co. Ca. Gold Mine
Both mines are located on a tributary of the Salmon River in Siskiyou County, Calif, not far from the “town” of Sawyers Bar. The main tunnel is approximately 1100’ long. There are 4 areas where extensive mining was done, including the main stope where the vein was said to be Ribboned with gold, and several more with lesser excavations, plus the tailings at t …
Full Permits producing over 650 oz in 2020-2023
Fully permitted, recently producing California gold mine in the historically highest gold producing county in California. The 375 acre patented property was partially hydraulically mined through the late 1800’s with estimated production of 200,000 ounces. Desire to sell or resume operations ASAP spring 2024.
Rich in Reserves and quality
The emerald mine held by the company is rich in reserves and the product quality is very good. It is a rare high-quality emerald mine in the world. For details, please see the exploration report. Since the current mine construction is basically completed, the infrastructure basically does not need to be reinvested, so the financial analysis only calculates t …
Extensively sampled claims offered with financing
Five groups of mining claims in Nevada with high grade gold-silver deposits plus potential for large scale low grade resources. I am offering the full portfolio of claims with owner financing so the buyer can begin exploration/mining without investing too much and will have full rights to the claims while payments are being made.
Placer mine for Sale, Joint Venture, or lease.
Mine is located 11 kilometers from newly developed Victoria Golds hard rock mine.The creek name is Secret Creek.Very easy access and egress with no constraints on size of equipment that can be hauled in.Cobble rock sizes are small and this greatly reduces wear and tear on equipment.The creek itself under the driest conditions allows for optimum sluicing.Sett …
Kirk Gold Prospect
The gold was discovered here in early 20th century. From 1919 -1921 the property was developed by incline shaft to 126 feet and 700 feet of horizontal drift and reported as a season production mine. Obviously the company left the project hastily. No detail exploration works were reported. Horizontal level was temporarily opened in April 1986 to allow the acc …
Harrison Creek Gold Mine
Spans 560+ acres of gold claims, exclusively secured on creeks for placer mining. Located along the North and South Fork of Harrison Creek, tributaries of Birch Creek, with a history of rich gold deposits. Includes cabin, multiple vehicles, mobile homes, additional cabins, RV slips, gold cleanup building, and all electricity and satellite internet access. Fe …
High Grade Lodes + Old Riverbed Placer Deposit
Gold mining property in the heart of California’s richest mining district that hasn’t been worked for over a century. Lode claims cover three known veins and placer claims on an ancient river channel.
6 Gold Claims For Sale on Scribner Creek
Scribner creek has easy access, proven gold, and is well suited for mining. There are 6 claims for sale. There is gravel on the sides of this valley already exposed only a foot of overburden needs to be removed to expose thawed gravel along the sides of the valley.
Mojave-Sonora Gold Belt
The possibilities are endless on nearly 70 acres of land with a patented mining claim. There is an area ready for you to setup your mining process. New excavation has found 2 gold veins along with several rare earth materials and property has highly sought after chrysocolla that owner can provide sale receipts. Water has also been found in 2 different locati …
20-acre Uranium claim
This is a 20-acre Load claim located on BLM land in Emery County Utah, has not been actively worked or assayed since I have owned it.
Peters Creek Placer Claim Barkerville Area
Large Peters Creek Placer Claim located in the historic BC, Canada mining area
Historic Montana Gold
https://www.commonwealthresourcesllc.com/log-in (Use “Test” to login and review information)
Investment Opportunity or Sell For The Right Price
Seeking investment but I am motivated to sell the project for the right price. The Sunrise project is a 21 cell (391hectares) placer claim and 18 cell (360hectares) mineral claim permitted for drilling. We are offering 1000 shares at $420 per share and a 30 share minimum. This will equal 33 percent ownership of the project and finance the drilling program.
Historic Producing Gold Mine and 71 Acres For Sale
A truly unique opportunity to own a historic producing gold mine, rich in California history. *Located on 71 gorgeous acres in Scott Bar, California *100% patented claims *Mined from 1938 to 1945 using archaic methods produced 1514 ounces of gold *Small scale exploratory mining from 1992 to 1994 produced 1076 ounces of gold *Using the current price of gold $ …
Large Oregon Gold Mine For Sale
Located in historically gold-rich Baker County, Oregon, USA. Unpatented contiguous group of gold mining claims encompassing approximately 2,000 acres. The claims, many referenced in historical documents are approximately 2000 acres. Many include many large gulches and areas at lower elevations than the current High Bar plateau. These include claims from Unit …
Copper, Vanadium, Silver, Frac Sand
Surface based sedimentary deposit explored by MIM-Yamana-RTZ-AMA Resources. Deposit has over 3 million tons of mineralized land containing an average of 2.68% cupric. Ready to be exploited. Mineral can be sold to a processing plant to be located in the same province.
Nine patented claims on 166 acres in Darwin, California
The Rio Tinto/old Giroux property embraces 9 patented mining claims on 166 acres in the town of Darwin Ca.( Rio Tinto, Mammoth, Magnet, Mexican, Republic, Kingston and Toga 1, 2 and 3 claims). According to historical documentation from 1890 to 1908 mining produced of Cu-Pb-Zn was mined from a 200-foot shaft with a 95-foot cross cut and 70-foot inclined shaft …
Alaska Gold Mine State Claims - Location, Location
Close to Wasilla, Alaska (23.5mi); Anchorage (60mi). Fuel, equipment and supplies are fairly close. State Claims – this is all about Gold & location, location, location.
Pinto Mines White Pine County Nevada
The Pinto Mines Group consists of four high grade hard rock silver properties each is approximately 20 acres and all four are adjoining. Two of the properties are patented and two are Federal mining Claims. These mines were established in the 1870s and 1880s. They were the principal producing mines of that era producing high grade silver ore along with lead, …
Money in your pocket-one ounce at a time
Gloria Z is a historical placer mine dating back to the the late 1800’s. The mine currently functional today as a placer gold mine with a significant aggregate resource that is sold as a bi-product
Mount Monger Gold, Rare Earth Elements, Scandium
The exploration licence is owned by a private Australian Company.
Australia Lithium and Battery Minerals Opportunity
Battery Minerals, Rare Earth Elements, Precious Metals Opportunity in Western Australia
Patented Gold Mine For Sale
This operating Gold mine is in the heart of Arizona’s gold producing region immediately downstream from an historic Rich Hill site remembered for an abundance of enormous alluvial nuggets found on and near the surface.
Goldstripe Mine 60 acres Canyon Dam
his 60-acre parcel of land (APN: 004-030-031) is perfect for ATV, fishing, hunting and hiking. But, history shows it had huge production in years past. There is also a reservoir nearby the property that is perfect for fishing and a small creek is located on the land. There is so much potential with this property so it’s definitely is a must see!
Australian Gold, Lithium, Nickel, Copper - Gascoyne Project
The Gascoyne Project is located to the northeast of Gascoyne Resources Limited (ASX: GCY) Glenburgh 510,000 ounce gold deposit which is actually comprised of eleven (11) individual gold deposits ranging between 3,900 to 182,300 ounces gold. Rocks within the resource zone consist of granitic gneiss, amphibolite and mafic granulite, and minor migmatitic peliti …
Northern B.C. Placer For Sale
Mosquito is over 5kms in length and 585.75 ha of mining area. The bottom part of the creek runs on bedrock,as you go upstream into the v shaped valley you can see that there is more than one bedrock rim crossing the valley. a adit into the hillside (approx 20’ above the creek ) and would recover 30 ounces per year.
Former United Nation Engineer's average assays indicate 9.5 grams/ton of ore. 50% mineral rights indicating 59,786 ounces of gold. Mining rich area.
–Former United Nation Engineer’s Nov 7, 1979 assayed results, using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy indicated 9.5 g/t or .305 oz/t of gold. -Small exploratory mining properties like this are cash-valued between $60/oz and $80/oz. In a recent sale, (https://elkodaily.com/mining/company-planning-to-develop-new-elko-county-mine/article_e2043a42-eb77-11ec-bafc-f …
magnesite, raw magnesium, magnesite ore,
Our mining field is very close to Eskişehir Beylikova. It is 1626 acre or 658 hectare.There is no forest at Mining area so, there is no additional forest fee. The mining field is very close to natural gas pipe lines which is constructed nearest village. It is approximately 5-7 km (3 to 4 miles).
Buy land. Acquire mineral rights. Tested and assayed. Motivated seller. Terms.
-Per June 2022 review by Elko Daily (https://elkodaily.com/mining/company- planning-to-develop-new-elko-county-mine/article_e2043a42-eb77-11ec-bafc- ffc250c92d3f.html), the “all-in sustaining costs” to extract one ounce of gold is $1,020 per ounce in this region. -Per World Gold Council (www.world.gold.org), the “all-in-sustaining costs” to extract one ounce …
This Placer opportunity located in a mine friendly state of Nevada will provide long steady operation of over 20 years if 200 cubic yards is run per hour, double shifted, 6 days a week, 4 weeks per month for 7 to 9 months per year.
Large Chromite Ore Mine in Albania with Permit
The mining permit No. 1405 covers an area about 146680 m2 or about 0.147 km2, whereas mining permit No. 1622 covers an area about 1 624 000 m2 or 1.624 km2. Both permit mining areas are located in the most important ore field of the Tropoja – Has ultrabasic massif. Prior to 1990, about 2.3 million tons of chromite ore reserves were discovered in this ore fie …
40 Yukon Virgin Claims for Sale Plus Equipment
A rare opportunity exists to purchase 40 virgin claims on Tenderfoot creek in the Dawson mining district. Included is a package of equipment so that the purchaser will have a true turnkey operation.
Iron Oxide, Gold and Silver Deposits
Mining claims consist of approximately 47 square kilometers. Top ground layers are primarily Iron Oxide. In addition, mining claims include approximately 6 km of river access with proven gold production. Silver and copper are present as well.
Gold Mine. Potential 156,400 oz gold. Deeded land. Water. Elko, NV. Adjoining Rich Mine.
Mineral Rights; Sale; JV; Terms.
280 Ac, Plus 5M Tons Mined Head Ore Sale or JV
280 Acres permitted and ready for processing.
Silver, Gold, Lead, Zinc, Copper. 17,000+ Ore Stockpile. Nevada
50 Acre Lode Patented Mining Claim
The San Bernardo mine is a Patented 50 AC Lode mining claim in the San Miguel County. This is surrounded by National Forest land with access to the property from the highway. It has over 3 miles of drifts with stopes running between the levels.
Ready to mine, can include equipment for right price.
20-40 acre MTRCS state mining claims, with new good road, 3000 gallon fuel tank, 20yd plant, Connex, Cabins, settling ponds, good water access, equipment to facilitate testing on site.
Gold and Silver Mine and Mill For Sale
Paradise Peak Statistics: Plant rating 4000 tpd* Operated 1986 to 1994 Gold Recovery 93.6% Silver Recovery 67.6% Gold/silver recovery through zinc precipitation *plant operated @ up to 5000 tpd
Turnkey placer mine. Virgin Colorado ground with great test results. Purchase or invest
The area in which the mine lies consists of glacial outwash from the Pleistocene, most likely pre-Bull Lake in age. This material is classified as the Fairplay Placer, which directly overlies the current mining site.
Northern B.C. Placer Claim For Sale
Discovered in 1924, was only mined by hand exploration, over the years has been a mining operation showing encouraging results,at the lower end of the creek where it meets little eagle river.Historically 2700 ounces was taken off the creek by hand in a few years of work .
Vendo Cantera
Finalmente la gerencia del proyecto, destinará los usos de los predios intervenidos por la actividad minera, con programas que estén acordes con la utilización racional y práctica de los suelos, corresponde a la geometría final de los predios, una vez se haya clausurado la actividad minera. Quedara un lote de 8 hectareas para reslizar un proyecto inmobiliari …
Dawson City mining district
For sale are 2 claims and a 2 mile lease that can be staked into approximately 20 claims on Australia Creek in the Dawson City mining district. The area will potentially become one of the most important mining areas in the future. Tests in the area are showing good results and with high gold prices it could be a worthwhile investment.
6 Consecutive Mining Blocks For Sale
6 consecutive blocks with a total of 6629 acres of mostly virgin land, located in Kuribrong, Guyana, is available for lease. The land has produced gold and diamonds from prospecting and small scale mining.
New Mexico Patented Lode Mining Claim For Sale