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Idaho Gold Project Drilled w/ Historical Resource

Extensively explored claims offered with financing

Mine Details

Location: Idaho, Nevada, USA
Commodities: Gold, Silver
Available Terms: For Sale
Price: $45,000


Exploration done in the late 80s/early 90s determined there was a 250,000 oz gold deposit there. They found good silver too but did not confirm a resource to my knowledge. There is a small (around 5 acre) patented claim not included in this sale and I have not contacted the owners about acquiring it. Mineralization is concentrated in a fracture zone 40 to 50 feet wide. Recorded production between 1925 and 1975 is 691 ounce gold, 6,286 ounces silver, 6,791 pounds copper, and 30,788 pounds lead.

Location and Access

The Silver Star property is located in Lemhi County, Idaho


Silver Star: exploration done in the late 80s/early 90s determined there was a 250,000 oz gold deposit there. They found good silver too but did not confirm a resource to my knowledge. There is a small (around 5 acre) patented claim not included in this sale and I have not contacted the owners about acquiring it. Mineralization is concentrated in a fracture zone 40 to 50 feet wide. Recorded production between 1925 and 1975 is 691 ounce gold, 6,286 ounces silver, 6,791 pounds copper, and 30,788 pounds lead.


A fracture zone, 40 to 50 feet wide, strikes N 70-80 E, and dips steeply southeast in quartzite.

Breccia in the zone is composed of limonite-stained, angular fragments of quartzite cemented by white quartz which is locally drusy. Galena, sphalerite, tetrahedrite, chalcopyrite, and pyrite occur disseminated and as pods in the matrix (Anderson, 1959, p. 84).

The material in the fracture zone averages about $8 per ton in gold at a gold price of about $35 per ounce (USBM files). USBM personnel took one select sample (WBH 509) of the breccia during 1991. It assayed 1.28 ppm gold, 610 ppm (17.8 oz/t) silver, 0.32 percent copper, and 2.3 percent lead. During 1995, USBM took another select sample (SFJ 090) of the sulfide-bearing breccia. It assayed 1.02 ppm gold, 434 ppm (12.7 oz/t) silver, 0.21 percent copper, and more than 1 percent lead. A company reportedly found resources containing 250,000 ounces gold during their drilling program.


The mine had limited production beginning in 1925 through 1975. Total production was 12,041 tons of ore which yielded 691 ounces of gold, 6,286 ounces of silver, 6,791 pounds of copper, and 30,788 pounds of lead. In the late 1980s/early 1990s the property was extensively explored by a company which reported identified a resource of 250,000 ounces of gold.

Additional Information

I am now based overseas and am selling these as a property on easy terms to wrap my US projects. I am full ownership of the claims for $45,000 paid in monthly $500 installments with a retained 2.5% nsr. You would have full rights to the claims during the payment period.


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