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34 Placer Claims – Lower Scroggie Creek

34 Placer Claims - Yukon

Mine Details

Location: Canada, Yukon
Commodities: Gold
Available Terms: For Sale
Price: $250,000


An exciting opportunity to own claims on an historically productive creek in the Klondyke mining district. There is a new Class 4 Licence in place, allowing for large scale mining activities.

Location and Access

Lower Scroggie Creek is a tributary of the Stewart River. It runs 17km from the confluence of Upper Scroggie and Walhalla Creeks, and is 100km SW of Dawson City. It has the Dawson trail running along it which gives access during the winter months. If the planned road to Coffee Creek goes ahead, then it may be possible to negotiate access all year round.


34 Placer Claims in the Klondyke mining district. Claim numbers are (#1) P519619 - (#34) P519652


Recent Geophysical Resistivity testing has been done. Also some Geological testing has been carried out in the 1980's on a bench in Lower Scroggie and a detailed report written. Please email me for a copy of both those reports.
Theres also been some testing done recently on a bench within the Claims. 1 yard tests with results at 0.4gram/yard


Over the years, Upper Scroggie Creek has been mined extensively and has three current mines operating on it. It produces gold with a purity of 89% to 91%.
Lower Scroggie Creek has had mining done on one of the benches and at the junction of Walhalla creek in the 1980's as well as the early mining days. Apart from that, it's all Virgin ground.

Additional Information

The Hitachi Excavator in the photos could be included as part of the deal. Its a little rough but everything works and its on site already.



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