Kirk Gold Prospect
The gold was discovered here in early 20th century. From 1919 -1921 the property was developed by incline shaft to 126 feet and 700 feet of horizontal drift and reported as a season production mine. Obviously the company left the project hastily. No detail exploration works were reported. Horizontal level was temporarily opened in April 1986 to allow the acc …
Complete First-class Turnkey Operation, producing claims and virgin ground
Ready-to-go immediately. Ability to produce 1,000 ounces Au in first year on existing Dominion Creek claims. $2M worth of sturdy, well-maintained, equipment and sundries. Clean, comfortable man-camp with commercial kitchen and sleeping quarters for 12.
Junior Mining Companies
Central Uchi Belt Lode Gold- Property For Option in Northwesterb Ontario Near Picklec Lake 185 Mining Claim Units (10.6 Sq. Miles) For Option With 2-Mile- Drill – Ready Gold Target In The Prolific Uchi Belt, NW Onatrio This large claim group has a two-mile long drill ready target on an 8.6 km – long dilatational Riedel shear zone that has never been drilled- …
6 Gold Claims For Sale on Scribner Creek
Scribner creek has easy access, proven gold, and is well suited for mining. There are 6 claims for sale. There is gravel on the sides of this valley already exposed only a foot of overburden needs to be removed to expose thawed gravel along the sides of the valley.
Placer mine for Sale, Joint Venture, or lease.
Mine is located 11 kilometers from newly developed Victoria Golds hard rock mine.The creek name is Secret Creek.Very easy access and egress with no constraints on size of equipment that can be hauled in.Cobble rock sizes are small and this greatly reduces wear and tear on equipment.The creek itself under the driest conditions allows for optimum sluicing.Sett …
Rockstone Graphite
Rockstone Graphite Property hosts extensive graphite mineralization with over fifty drill-ready targets. Please visit https://www.xtalgraphite.com for details.
34 Placer Claims - Yukon
34 Placer Claims for sale, with Class 4 Licence in place, valid until 2033.
Yukon Gold Placer Mining/HardRock Opportunity
43 Placer Claims, 200+ Quartz Claims, 10-year Water License, 3 Miles of Prospecting Leases totaling a combined land area of over 4000 hectares Several high-grade surface quartz vein structures exist, including one that measures 14 meters wide and averages 4.5 grams of gold per ton highlighted by 2- and 3-meter wide veins running between 10 and 13 grams of go …
Proven Placer Claims Priced to Sell
Located in Yukon, Canada. Proven Placer claim priced to sell. 2.21 Miles square is the size of the property.
Gold & Silver Mine For Sale
Years of comprehensive testing puts the overall gold recovery at $35 – $95+ / cubic yard processed, at current gold spot price of $4000.00 CDN / Oz. There is a calculated 1,050,000 loose yards of pay material. This is based on an average of 100’ wide cut. The pay gravels start on average 6-8 feet down and pay to the bedrock at an average depth of 17-20 feet. …
Barite Fluorite Deposit
Explored since 1880, tonnage-grade calculations are non-43-101 compliant, in short tons, 1974. Adits and shafts occur on the property and some drilling. Tonnage calculations are based on closely spaced drilling. Not all veins are included in the tonnage calculations.
Peters Creek Placer Claim Barkerville Area
Large Peters Creek Placer Claim located in the historic BC, Canada mining area
Investment Opportunity or Sell For The Right Price
Seeking investment but I am motivated to sell the project for the right price. The Sunrise project is a 21 cell (391hectares) placer claim and 18 cell (360hectares) mineral claim permitted for drilling. We are offering 1000 shares at $420 per share and a 30 share minimum. This will equal 33 percent ownership of the project and finance the drilling program.
Placer mine B.C. For Sale
Defot/Canyon creek consists of 5kms of ground 451.50 ha. Historically was one of the top producing creeks in the area, coarse gold up to a 45 ounce nugget and daily find of 6-8 ounce nuggets by the old timers.
Northern B.C. Placer For Sale
The property consists of 6kms of creek ,452 ha of minable property. The property takes in the mouth of vowel creek which was mined by the old timers.
Northern B.C. Placer Claim For Sale
Discovered in 1924, was only mined by hand exploration, over the years has been a mining operation showing encouraging results,at the lower end of the creek where it meets little eagle river.Historically 2700 ounces was taken off the creek by hand in a few years of work .
6 former Producers Within 12.5 km Radius
Six former gold producers, and one gold showing, all with grades over 0.4 oz/t, and open pit potential. All within 30 kilometres of Halifax, Nova Scotia and all in accessible rural areas.
Turn key Placer Gold and Jade mine Northern BC
Placer mine with excellent history of gold and jade production. Beautiful location in Northern BC near Dease Lake. Turnkey operation all Equipment on site and operational. Full 25 man camp made up of individual wood constructed cabins, cooking facilities, Wash facilities, generators etc.
Dawson City mining district
For sale are 2 claims and a 2 mile lease that can be staked into approximately 20 claims on Australia Creek in the Dawson City mining district. The area will potentially become one of the most important mining areas in the future. Tests in the area are showing good results and with high gold prices it could be a worthwhile investment.
12 million tons of 4% Pb
428,000 mined at 4.75% in 1979-81 with 99% recovery. Non-compliant 12 million tons of 4.18 (Patterson, 1988) remain (or 19.1 mt of 3.4% or 30 mt of 2.95% Pb) in shallow dipping sandstone beds ranging from 3.6 to 8 meters thick. About 1/2 oz Ag and up to 3% Zn in places with more exploration needed.
Northern B.C. Placer For Sale
Mosquito is over 5kms in length and 585.75 ha of mining area. The bottom part of the creek runs on bedrock,as you go upstream into the v shaped valley you can see that there is more than one bedrock rim crossing the valley. a adit into the hillside (approx 20’ above the creek ) and would recover 30 ounces per year.
40 Yukon Virgin Claims for Sale Plus Equipment
A rare opportunity exists to purchase 40 virgin claims on Tenderfoot creek in the Dawson mining district. Included is a package of equipment so that the purchaser will have a true turnkey operation.
Up to 3% Co,Bi in Under Explored Copper Rich Skarn
Approximately 50 diamond drill holes have tested the area, spanning over 5 kilometres, most on the Copper Lake (French Road) showing, as well as the Oceanview showing. Exploration focused on copper mineralization, which occurs in association with cobalt, bismuth, zinc, arsenic, lead, tin and silver in a (polymetallic) skarn. Enclosing the skarn are a variety …